Friday, July 30, 2010

And some pictures

With pictures now - we were a bit too tired last night.

Here's Darta showing us young rice seedlings on the walk through the rice paddies. They take about 10 days to grow this fast. Despite it being the "dry" season it is raining alot and there is water everywhere and the rice seems to be growing very fast.

We stopped at the obligatory bookshop for Fiona to investigate. Unlike Australian bookshops, I noticed she didn't go in an introduce her self :)

And then we had lunch in a biodynamic, organic place (with no wi-fi because they want people to talk to each other. I transferred all my phone numbers from one sim card to the other. I don't know what Fiona did.)

Here's a picture of Jean - that's here waving her arms around - and the masses of textiles we looked at in this afternoon's lecture. So much of the talk was about the textiles but in the context of women, community and the history of trade and exchange. Textiles are an important part of marriage exchange and really good textiles are worth alot in exchange economies.

Today we are dyeing the simple ikat looms we tied yesterday. I've got a bit carried away with mine and stayed up too late tieing it. My fingers are sore. Pictures of that tomorrow!

And finally - a very blurry photo of the firedance before it started. It wasn't an event that I could easily photograph.


  1. I'm loving the pics. I'm sure they would have been interested if Fiona had introduced herself you know. Make sure you do have a picture of both your weaving pieces
